Thursday, April 23, 2009

New Suspension

Those that know me well know that I am notoriously cheap. Kinda. I am an impulse buyer and more often than not, its a trait that gets me into trouble. So, this spring when I started getting the Voyager XII ready for the season, I decided to change the rear shock oil to improve the handling. Big job. Learned a lot. I mean a lot.

So I go for a couple of scoots and when I return and lean against the trunk of the bike..the shocks bottom out. And in the words of a former co-worker, "Well, THAT'S not good!"

I had already purchased a set of Progressive Front Springs as a treat to myself and now I had to start shopping for a new set of rear shocks. Again, becuase I'm notoriously cheap, I shopped around and found a set of 13" aftermarket shocks that may have done the job, but at the same time may have caused me more trouble than they were worth. I went ahead and ordered a set of Progressive 412 Shocks with Heavy Duty Springs and a couple of days later, I was ready to install them.

Since I was EXPERIENCED in doing the shocks, they went in no problem, but because I'm notoriously cheap, I decided I'd install the Front Springs all on my own.

Well, after one outburst at my signifigant other and a late night in the shop, and another whole evening, she's all back together. The test ride is done and she gets her first long trip of the season tomorrow when I ride to work.

So, here we are, one week closer to the Minuteman 1000 Rally, a new suspension setup and the NEED to twist that throttle. I hope I'm going to be ready.

There was an important lesson that I learned with this project, and that was:

If Meagan has an idea, I should probably listen because usually its a pretty good idea and its going to make my life easier. Actually, that lesson was re-learned and I'll be apologizing to her for the next 20 years for being an ass. Then again, I am a man and cannot change. Also, its easier to beg for forgiveness than ask permission.

Keepin' the shiny side up....

Monday, April 13, 2009

Its official....


I guess the trip is now a definate go. Larry emailed me this morning and said that he had his time off. Now starts the planning and preparation. Hopefully, I will get some pics posted of the bike soon, with some of the mods that are going to help me (us) complete our first "Official" IBA run.

Stay tuned....

Saturday, April 11, 2009

How do you get to Northampton, Ma anyway???

Well, I decided that Google Maps are definately better than Mapquest. Matte Stevenson, you were right. Ususally, I`m saying that to Meagan, but I guess I can alter my normal routine once in a while.

Since this trip for the Minuteman Rally is a few days out of my vacation, I`ve decided to ``Map`` the nicest, most scenic route I can find. (Also, I wanna avoid the I-95 if at all possible) I`m hoping that Larry is agreeable to this route because it looks like there is some nice twisties along Route 2...

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Friday, April 10, 2009

My Next Long Distance Endurance Rally

It all started when I watched Long Way Round and Long Way Down. I spent hours riveted to the journey that Ewan MacGregor and Charley Boorman made half way around the world. Since my motorcycle season hadn't started yet, it made me itch even more for a really good ride.

I had taken part in the ALDERS Rally last year, a 1600 Km in 24 hour Endurance Ride. I did quite well, placing 6th out of 12 riders. Mind you, I placed last...but the others didn't finish so I'll take what I can get. The Rally was cancelled this year and I was very disappointed. I began searching for another Long Distance event in Canada, and couldn't find one. That's when I stumbled on the Minuteman 1000. (

The event offers two choices, an Iron Butt Association Saddlesore 1000 and a 1000 mile Open Event. ( The more I thought about it, the more I wanted to do it. And then one evening, Meagan didn't seem too out of sorts when i mentioned it and even helped me plan out my route. I registered the next day.

So, here I am registered for this event and I really didn't want to travel all that way alone. I talked to Reid Sanford, a fellow ALDERS competitor and friend from the Motorcycle Community, but never got a I rang up my friend Larry Welch who I did the ALDERS with last year.

Larry's in.

This Blog will now serve as my "Road to Minuteman" and I'll try to post as much as I can until the day of competition.

So the countdown is now on...stay tuned for photos, prep shots and if I can do it...some video of the journey...but to get things started...check out the proposed route below.

Take 'er easy...


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