Saturday, May 30, 2009

Props to my "Crew Chief"

I'm somewhat mechanically minded, but every once in a while, I get to a point where I just need a little help, and occasionally, its nice to have some "male bonding" time involving tools and coffee.

My friend and occasional riding buddy Clarence "T-Bone" Tidd is the guy I turn to for help to get things done when I'm over my head.

Clarence started helping me last year with Barney when I replaced the Cruise Module and fixed the Water Pump Seal. Mind you, Meagan came out and finished both projects in a shorter time than Clarence and I together.

T-Bone is the kind of guy who always seems to have those tools that I don't own, and will often bring them over and drop 'em off for extended periods of time. Outside of all his help, I really couldn't ask for a better guy to have as a friend.

Well, Clarence was over again tonight assisting with the final prep work on Barney for the trip to Northampton. We got a set of Auxiliary Lights wired up, a bracket fabricated and installed and all the lights aimed to potentially piss off most of the drivers south of the border. At least I'll be seen!

So, tonight, I'm given Clarence a new title. He's now my official "Crew Chief" and "Technical Advisor" for my participation in the 2009 Minuteman Rally.

Thanks Clarence..I couldn't have done it without you!


The Final Drive Rebuild...

Its been a while since I posted here. I had intended to do multiple posts up to the Minuteman Rally, but as they say, the Road to Hell is paved with Good Intentions. So here is the latest update on the Road to Minuteman.

Barney has continued to give me grief. On May 12, I was pulling out of the driveway and listening to Fall Out Boy on the Satellite Radio...the song was rockin' and I rolled on the throttle and pulled the clutch and shifted into second. THAT'S when the Spline Collar and the Pinion Gear in the driveshaft decided to quit and left me standing on the side of the road. Thank God I was within pushing distance of the shop.

I contacted a local wrench and got Barney trailered there by my friend Mel. Two days later I received the preliminary butchers bill. Five hours labour and over $500 in parts. Luckily, I know of a fellow in Ripley, Tennessee who maintains a parts inventory for Kawasaki Voyagers. Carl had everything I needed for a Grand Total of $198 US shipping included. Before the cash was even sent, the parts were in the mail.

The parts arrived on May 22, and Larry started installing them, and then wasn't happy with the way the whole shebang was going together. Another couple of days waiting, and we set up a teleconference with Carl again and found out the parts were perfect and she could be all buttoned up. THEN...a seal was damaged in shipping! Luckily, a local small engine shop had a direct replacement and I was back on the road on May 29. Less than a week from Minuteman.

Holy Crap.

The final bill was 6 hours for the driveshaft, 1 hour inspection/trip prep and the parts. Not all that bad considering I was looking at almost a grand for dealership labour and parts.

So, now, I'm finishing the final prep and getting ready to pack. There's a 5000 Km journey less than a week away...

Stay Tuned...more to follow!